Monday, April 8, 2013

Olaf The Defiler ... Got......!!!!

      In one Ireemian  bright day as Mebo and myself were sitting on the hard wooden deck of the Sea Witch Ship.. I was enjoying the sea breeze , the seagull noises with brush in my hand yanking a stubborn tangle out of  my hair ... nodding absentmindedly while listening to  Mebo  upset tone as  she was going about some Dark knight stole her Rat.. my eyes shifted to gaze  upon  the sands at the dark figure toying with a rodent  ..  
   Both of us were watching him swallowing the rat hole ,,  cringing I told Mebo to forget about her lost it's the the darkie belly getting digested.. 

       All of the sudden a handsome man approached the ship and climb up to the deck,,  I thought he looked mighty familiar , but still i did have the slightest clue,, we didn't wait long as his voice was booming even before his stomping feet  "AHOY UP THERE!"
        We gasped dramatically .. My hair brush slipped from my fingers and dropped down the wooden ship floor with clatter ,,  Mebo stopped talking about the thief and forgot about her stolen rat ... can it be ? Is it  OLAF!!! dirty.. smelly.. bare footed .. tooth decay and hair tangled Olaf!! the one who calls him self the Defiler Olaf... NO!!!

    Spectacularly groomed and cleaned as if he just came out from The Dolphin Baths raw and flushed cheeks.. I thought maybe Leah the siren did a complicated magic and serious supernatural Mermish  scrubbing  to make him look the way he looks now.. he was clean shaved ..his hair is cut short .. the clothing he was dressed fits for Admiral .. smells of elderberry and Lavender ,,, all glowing ,,, bursting with happiness ,, you might think his face would shine all over Ireem instead of the hot desert sun..

       As far as we get over that shock, tucking our jaws back where it were .. he dropped another bomb ,,, and i'm quoting with little censoring  "I got Married .. I think i'm really in love with this one, i'm so @#$% proud of her ,, she spoils the @#$% out my sorry redneck ass,, and lets me have all the slaves I want. what more could a old pirate ask for"said Olaf proudly pulling his coat collar up with his grin stretched from ear to ear..

       he told us how he met his heart owner  .. how he collard her ,, branded her with his name initials and   walking her naked and leashed in Ireem streets ,, he told us how she grows on the old seadog.. how he couldn't bare wasting his time on other worthless preys ,, the moment of truth came when Olaf ask her to be his Slave as long as he lives and her accepting his proposal with  "Yes Master" we moaned and swooned .. our eyes were full of tears our hands clapping for joy  ,,  it was the loveliest most inspiring love story I've heard from a long time.. 

     Mebo said "good to see there's  still  romance"  I nodded vigorously still blowing my nose and wiping my tears ,, agreeing with her.. didn't wait much until I took my parchment out and dipped my quill in the ink and start scribbling away....


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