Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Old Slavers Vs New Slavers

   As many of you know ... Captain Shaka has been in long travels and some news says he got lost in the seven seas accompanied by his wife  *Madame Rose*..  Jupiter answered their prayers and brought them back safe and sound to the Sands.. as there ship finally set sail in Ireem Shore ,,  expecting a welcoming feast but instead .. what a disturbing sight they saw,,,

     First thing happened the time they set foot in the slavers land ,, the new Slaver Leader or let say in her own words "Queen" was giving a jaw dropping orders for the former Leader and one of the oldest pirates in Ireem  ..* Captain Shaka the Wild* to kneel .. submit .. and follow her orders by becoming a dark knight pet as she was,,, Rose thought the woman has lost her marbles !!!

    "will of course no mongrel or blood sucker can bend my will and order me around ... and no new so called leader will make me obey the atrocity of what so called Alliance with (the Camel sniffers and the bloodsuckers)" Says the Captain .. then he elaborate further  more with his vain in his forehead throbbing "... since when the pirates are so tame!!! care more for alliance than family!!!  attacking a fellow slaver to be in the Alliance  good books!!"  The Captain simply shook his head disappointedly with a deep sigh as his eyes took him for the far away horizon.. where a strange sight met his was of the gatherings of new pirates humoring and chatting with blood suckers at Richards Daughter old fort..

      The Captain then cracked a thin smile as he was talking with pride in his tone " Luckily I have my faithful crew .. my beautiful Rose ,, loyal Jordan ,, dearest wise MeBo and respectfully the rest of my angry crew  .. who were backing me up in every decision i made.. which i'm very much gratful ... I never felt alone .. i felt that my family is there protecting me as I was ready to give my life for non of them get harmed... "

   News fly that there was peace agreement between the Angry Birds newly reformed Clan and the Opponent one.. as we conform that when we saw the agreement signed scroll...

   Alas... the troubles are far from ending ... as the rebel crew from the opponent clan that did not want peace and co-operation to settle .. had left their old clan and sprang a couple of new five members Clans to keep demonstrating the same strange morals of being the Dark knights servants and the Bedouins left hand ...

  "They choose there path .. and we choose ours ... No matter how I remind them.. that what they are doing is not by any means a slaver behavior ,, they just act like ..  know it all teenage brainiacs saying with there rotten attitude "

Time has changed .. We don't live in the fourteenth century any more ... Grandpa!! )

   Hissing he paused to have few gulps of his rum bottle savoring the taste and complementing the slavers brewed rum  to elaborate later with a serious look upon his face "We will always stick to the Pirates Code .. and be supportive to our family.. other than that all the sands treasures are our booty.. as for those kids we will give them a deaf ear and a blind eye.. till they grow up or acknowledge what a true pirates are "

     With that captain Shaka rose up from his barrel seat ... his face expression is blank and tired .. carelessly he throw the empty rum bottle at the campfire  .. walked off and mount the small boat humming an old pirate song as he started to raw away ...


  1. I wonders im new or old? or a new old? :) im happy becouse this finished, or almost finished, becouse as we saw yesterday here always have some baby pirates who dosnt knows where his place.i always said i hate the politics and i prefer the fight.. well. i think i forgot everything, i forgot how can i use my weapons.But now,when everything changed again, i think we will enjoy our times ... aww and i know the undeads the Angry Bird's allies.. and what will i do if i cant kill the undeads anymore ? :(((i will cry...

  2. The term Queen was not her choosing it is what I called her. Raiden Yarrowroot

  3. As outsider at that times i was watching pirates with respect, they always make the sands tremble...i never knew where old true pirates sailed, until i step in the camp, now after over one year there i could see the reason to sail to nowhere than to ship is ready, and i will sail when my time is over....or, maybe IF something will change , perhaps i will stay!
