Saturday, June 8, 2013

Newly Weds .... Lady Arista and Captain Chimy .....

Yesterday we had the pleasure to host a wedding ceremony of two love birds...  On the sea witch ship deck ... it was sudden and a surprisingly intimate with the pirates gathered around forgetting the wars and looting for few hours to celebrate love and the bless of rum ... 

           few facts about the Bride and the Groom....
Arista is a slender redhead ..enjoys dunking her biscuits in rum before munching them...
Captain Chimy .. they say he was never seen sober... luckily he was sober enough to say the correct name after the "I do".... and jump from the ship to steal a treasure raid bag after the ceremony was over...

~~from the Ceremony i chose~~

**Shaka Brandris looks up and down over Arista ..smiling wide and stop his eyes over her bare chest ... " Ammm damn it lass you look awesome tonight ...didn`t know yo have that nice set of ... " he stop himself before he say something more and just prepare to say few words ..." So as you all see ..." he raise up his voice to make it clear " We have an amazing looking bride and ... her man here beside her ... honestly i am not sure if that the same Chimy who i  used to see drunk almost all of the time ...and actually seems Arista loves him a lot since she have to carry him on her back ...and she never complain about it ... so pirates ... i think i should get started ...just ask them a simple questions ...and then we all go get drunk and let them roll over the bed..

**Arista Kimono grins smiling at Shaka blushing she looks back to Chim, "Aye, let us get on so we cin drink all tha rum in camp!"

**Chimera Rubermeyer checks his hip pocket for his rum and gives a sigh of relief feeling it still there. He smiled happily at Arista and nodded "aye, be about times te"

**Shaka Brandris keeps his voice clear " So pirates you all know .. even you have a life full of rum ...courtesans ...slaves ... and all the happiness in the simple world ...there is always a moment when you decide to throw all that away and get married ... and those two ...right in front of me are ready to swear to each other ... "

** Shaka Brandris raise his eyebrow looking at Arista ..." Are you ready with your vows tell him that you are claiming him as your man ?"

** Arista Kimono coughs and looks at Chim. she shifts her weight and smiles brightly at him. "I, Arista, take ye, Chim, ta be me friend, me lover, the father of me brats and me Husband. I will be yers in times of plenty and in times of want, in times of sickness and in times of health, in times of joy and in times of sorrow, in times of failure and in times of triumph. I promise ta cherish and mostly respect ye, ta care and protect ye, to comfort and encourage ye, and stay with ye, for all eternity."

** Chimera Rubermeyer takes a deep breath and glances over to Shaka with a grin before turning back to Arista and looking straight in to her perfect green eyes and speaking in a proud, convicted voice sys "I vows te ye me Arista, I vows me heart, me soul, all the seven seas and the wildest o winds te love ye, fer all of me life, like I dun fer all of it to this day. I promises it, and I promises te be at yer side fer all of it, te protect ye, and fights fer ye, and keep ye warm on the coldest o oceans fer all time, and fer evers, as me wife."

** Arista Kimono: "Aye, I will accept it! I do!" She smirks knowing she likely spoke out of turn looking to Shaka she blushes and clears her throat.

**Shaka Brandris get a bit excited of all the nice words ..looking for while at his own wife ..remembering the day he was on Chimy`s place ...then he almost yells happy " Yeah pirates ...she said YES !! ..." then he turns back at Arista and Chimy " Well ...with the power give me by Jupiter ...and especially from his lower parts ...also as Captain of both of you ...i announce you as both husband and wife ... ...from now on both have to keep together or I am going to throw you to the sharks ...Capich !!"

The Bride...Lady Arista 

The Groom ...Captain Chimy
Getting ready for the Ceremony

The Minister Captain Shaka ...
Best Man ... Captain Jordan

Bridesmaid ..Madame Rose

Ceremony 1
Ceremony Guests 

Ceremony 2

Ceremony 3

Ceremony 4

Ceremony 5

Ceremony 6

Arista ad Chimy are pronounced husband and Wife
May the rum drinking begin....

Jordan transformation was without a doubt another reason to celebrate... cheers


Una and Captain Olaf



Captain Wiley
of course there was a wedding crasher a blast from the past...
Olaf  and Miriam daughter .. Amirian

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